Alex Jones in DC to face his accusers at social media censorship hearings!

WASHINGTON (PNN) - September 5, 2018 - Alex Jones is in Washington DC to face his accusers during hearings where Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey and Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg will be grilled on social media censorship of conservatives.

Last month, Alex Jones and Infowars were banned by a plethora of Big Tech companies all within 24 hours of each other, with YouTube, Facebook, Apple and Spotify all pulling the plug.

Jones was subsequently put in a 7 day “time out” on Twitter after a decision personally made by Dorsey.

It was also revealed that Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg personally made the final call to ban Jones, following in the footsteps of Apple’s Tim Cook.

Jones said he was attending the hearings to face his accusers, who have charged him with being everything from a Russian agent to a racist.

Jones has obtained a front row seat at the hearings and has vowed to challenge the media on how they misreported the reasons he was banned by Big Tech.

He will also hold a special press conference while in DC.

In addition to CNN lobbying Facebook to shut down Infowars just a month before it was banned by Facebook and YouTube, Democrat Congressman Ted Deutch (Fla.) demanded that Facebook and YouTube ban Alex Jones.

A White House petition launched last week demanding Congress break up Big Tech monopolies and protect free speech rights online surpassed 100,000 signatures in just three days.