License rejected for couple seeking traditional marriage;
foolish people still believe a marriage license is required!
ROSEVILLE, California - September
8, 2008 - Brides and grooms are no longer allowed to marry in the State of
That privilege is only extended to individuals who allow themselves to be called "Party A" and "Party B" on marriage licenses.
Pastor Doug Bird of Abundant Life Fellowship in Roseville, California, was alarmed to find the state now rejects the traditional terms after he officiated his first marriage ceremony last week following the California Supreme Court decision to overturn Proposition 22.
The couple had written the words "bride" and "groom" next to "Party A" and "Party B" because they wanted to be legally recognized as husband and wife.
However, the Placer County marriage license was denied.
"I received back the license and a letter from the Placer County Clerk/Recorder stating that the license 'does not comply with California State registration laws,'" Bird said in a statement from the Pacific Justice Institute.
It was an "unacceptable alteration," the County Recorder's Office claimed the State Office of Vital Records determined.
"What's next?" Bird wrote in a September 4th letter. "Will the State of California force [ministers] to use the terms "Party A" and "Party B" in the ceremony itself?"
Ed. Note: Wake up people! It is not necessary to have a marriage license in order to get married. A marriage license only serves to invite the State to be a party to the fruit of your marriage. In other words, the marriage license gives the State control over your children and your earnings! All you need to be married is a marriage certificate, signed by the official performing the ceremony and two witnesses (but NOT by the bride or groom).
Call and tell this pencil-necked geek of a bureaucrat exactly what you think of his mindless, discriminatory (against brides and grooms) stance. Perhaps some among you might find out where he lives and then publish the address on the Internet, since after all, he is a public servant.
Placer County Clerk, County Recorder, and Registrar of Voters
James McCauley