Society isn’t working. Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear is aware that modern “civilized” societies have not yielded happy populations. If the purpose of society is the fulfillment of humankind, then societies have failed miserably.
We need a change in the basic structure of human society, if the human race is to survive as more than just slaves of the social system in which they live. We need a change if the human race is ever to again aspire to heights of creativity, imagination, and spiritual growth.
For thousands of years humans have run this world from an economic perspective, always jockeying for power and control and using money, possessions, and position to achieve those ends, and it just hasn’t worked.
We need to commit to a new way of living, one in which principles and values are more important than anything else. We need principled and moral people to resurrect the spiritual aspirations of the American Founding Fathers and by so doing, to save the world for humanity.
I hope that you choose to be one of them.