13-year-old defies Big Brother and refuses to be fingerprinted!

CARDIFF, Wales (PNN) - February 17, 2014 - Since 2012, over 800,000 children have had their biometric data taken by the government in the Fascist United Kingdom via the school system. One 13-year-old girl is refusing to comply with the demands of this lawless government.

In 31% of cases, the programs obtaining fingerprints or other biometric data from minors across the FUK have done so without parental consent, according to Big Brother Watch. The civil liberties watchdog filed Freedom of Information Requests with over 3,000 schools. Less than half of those schools responded as required by law.

As we are now one term into the 2013-14 academic year and expect the number of schools using the technology to have increased over the summer, and the secondary school population is now above 3.2 million, if the number of secondary schools using biometric technology increased from 25% to 30%, then more than one million children would be fingerprinted.

A 13-year-old student at a school in Wales refused to submit to the data collection. Melody, whose last name is being withheld due to her age, doubted the school’s good intentions when it was declared that fingerprints were going to be collected from students in order to shorten lines in the cafeteria. A simple act of defiance was not enough for Melody, who discussed her idea for a one-person protest with her mother, Kirstie, over dinner. Her mother signed a form stating that she did not give consent for her daughter to be fingerprinted.

When mealtime arrived, Melody entered the cafeteria wearing a Guy Fawkes mask, which has become the most recognized symbol of the Anonymous collective. She stated that she was not going to comply and did not have parental consent. A cafeteria employee then reportedly tried to place her finger on the scanner anyway. Melody withdrew her hand and restated her refusal. Melody ate her meal without further interruption and wore the Guy Fawkes mask the entire time she was in the cafeteria.

Her story and several photos of her protest spread over social media to Anonymous-affiliated pages, where Melody’s action has been greeted with united approval. Several variations of memes have been created featuring Melody’s story and likeness.