Articles by Brent Johnson
The Way I See It!
Commentary by Brent Johnson
The essence of America - the freedom and liberty which our Founding Fathers fought and died to preserve - now hinges upon each of us. If we choose to abandon the principles embodied in the Declaration of Independence in exchange for the conveniences of modern technology and the economics of business, then America is already lost. But if we rise up and rekindle our desire for personal freedom, our passion for America - our country, a place of liberty, set apart from the rest of the world by its dedication to justice for all - then those in the government and banking institutions who wish to control us, our property, and our children cannot prevail.
I hope these commentaries and articles inspire you to stand up for your birthright... as a Free Being... as an American!
My intent is to communicate this information and these ideas to the greatest number of Americans in the shortest possible time. You are hereby given permission to share this material, including without limitation, sending any or all of these articles and commentaries to print and/or broadcast media, whether local, state, regional or national in scope.
Common Law vs. Statutory Law
by Brent Johnson
Common Law
All laws of the united States of America were founded on common law. American common law is founded on British common law. British common law dates back to the thirteenth Century and the Magna Charta, though in truth it dates back much fart
Is the American Dream dead?
By Brent Johnson
The Republic of the united States of America has all but abandoned its founding principles. The American people are woefully ignorant of the rights with which they have been blessed, and are therefore embarking on a path towards abject servitude that the American Founding Fathers fought a bloody war to prevent from ever happening. It is a genuine tragedy, and the opp
By Brent Johnson
Regardless of any particular faith, culture, race or class, I have found that the vast majority of people agree on one thing: the Word of God is, by definition, Truth.
If you are seeking a point of universal agreement from which to build a spiritually evolved society, one in which each individual is concerned not only for himself but also for the whole wor
Concerning Hate
The Way I See It
commentary by Brent JohnsonIt is not OK to hate your enemy.
I cannot emphasize this enough. If you rejoice in the death of your enemy, then you rejoice in the destruction of life… and that is what those whom we revile do. If we act the same way then we are no better than they are.
It is completely appropriat
A Thinking Person's Desert
Recently, I had occasion to view a segment of NBC’s The Tonight Show in which host Jay Leno walks around New York City asking ordinary people a series of simple and basic questions. I was stunned by the general lack of education of the respondents.
From people not knowing who was the first President of the United States or how many stars are on the American flag, to a
The Modern Day Coliseum
In ancient Rome, the government (i.e. Caesar) gave the general population free bread and circuses, in the form of “games” held at the Coliseum. These “games” were one-sided affairs that pit fully armed and ar