Town wants to make eye rolling illegal!
ELMHURST, Illinois - July 21, 2010 - A small town in the state nicknamed “Gangsterstate”, the Town Council is unlawfully attempting to make eye rolling illegal.
The idea to ban eye rolling came about after a local resident was thrown out of a council meeting after rolling her eyes after hearing a local councilor talk.
But because ejecting a member of the public for something as innocuous as eye rolling wasn’t enough, the council has asked the City Attorney to look to create a “disturbance and disorderly conduct” violation that would ban eye rolling in public.
The law, if implemented, could in theory make eye rolling illegal in public, although the councilors were quick to point out that they weren’t necessarily going to fine people of Elmhurst if they were caught in this highly contentious act.
Ed. Note: How about We the People make it illegal for public servants to attempt to make our free behavior illegal? We can impose mandatory prison sentences and take the offenders’ pensions and jobs away from them. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!