Newt Gingrich bounces check for Utah primary!
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (PNN) - April 11, 2012 - It has now been revealed that a $500 check issued by the cash-strapped campaign of Republican candidate Newt Gingrich bounced.
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (PNN) - April 11, 2012 - It has now been revealed that a $500 check issued by the cash-strapped campaign of Republican candidate Newt Gingrich bounced.
WASHINGTON (PNN) - April 10, 2012 - Rick Santorum announced Tuesday that he is suspending his presidential campaign.
FORT SMITH, Arkansas (PNN) - April 10, 2012 - During Obama’s campaign season this fall, one Democrat senator from Arkansas will not be accompanying illegitimate President Obama. Mark Pryor told a Fort Smith television interview that he is not there to represent a president.
HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania (PNN) - April 4, 2012 - Republican political hacks are trying to convince candidate Rick Santorum to withdraw in order to make way for their corporatist, globalist candidate - Mitt Romney - and to ensure that The Patriot Congressman, candidate Ron Paul - who is clearly the most popular candidate running, drawing far more attendance to his appearances than either Romney or Santorum - has no chance to be the Party’s candidate for president.
Arrogant political hacks think globalist corporatist candidate will win nomination despite lack of delegate majority.
WASHINGTON (PNN) - April 3, 2012 - Some supporters are beginning to focus on possible running mates for Mitt Romney, should he secure the GOP presidential nomination.
WASHINGTON (PNN) - April 3, 2012 - Republican Mitt Romney notched a huge presidential primary triple win, strengthening what some say is a compelling case that he is the presumptive nominee in the battle for the White House.
Romney - the globalist and corporatist candidate - defeated Rick Santorum in Maryland and the Fascist Police States of Amerika capital Washington, and was expected to win a tighter but more important race in Wisconsin.
LOS ANGELES, Kalifornia (PNN) - March 28, 2012 - Newt Gingrich is dramatically curtailing his campaign schedule, laying off about a third of his staff and dismissing his campaign manager as he focuses on a last-ditch effort to win the Republican presidential nomination at the party's convention.