By Lee Parker
We all have expectations. Expectations exist in all facets of our lives. We have an expectation that the light will go on when we flip the switch. We have an expectation that the sun will rise each and every day. There is nothing wrong with expectations and we have a right to expect that certain events will occur, given certain parameters.
For example, we have the right to expect that those we have hired to run our country for us will live by their oaths of office. We have a right to expect that the President of the United States will fulfill his oath of office and protect the Constitution for the United States. We have a right to expect that judges will do the same. We have a right to expect that anyone who has taken an oath before God will live by that oath.
Yet everywhere we look, these expectations go unfulfilled. Bill Clinton sells our military secrets to the Chinese; Congress passes laws without proper procedure; sheriffs and police officers violate the people regularly, often ignoring due process of law; city councils pass ordinances without lawful foundation to do so. Land is stolen from the people, people are put in jail for standing for their rights, and the police abuse those they have sworn to protect.
The united States of America was born because our Founding Fathers conceptualized a system where the people had the right to expect certain behavior from those who were hired to run the country. These expectations have been the foundation of our system of self-government for the past 223 years. For over two centuries, Americans have been casting ballots and electing government officials based on these expectations.
I believe one of our basic American expectations is that those we have hired to run the country for us make decisions in the best interest of the people. The best interest of the people means that our system of government is more important than personal gain, global interest, or skewed statistics. The "best interest of the people" means adhering to their oaths of office to uphold and protect the Constitution from any enemy, whether domestic or foreign. We have a right to expect that those who have taken this oath will adhere to it!
The greatest travesty in our country today is the fact that those who have been elected to run our country for us have lied. They lied when they took their oaths of office to protect and defend the Constitution and then proceeded to allow the manipulation our founding documents and subversion of our Constitution. They have lied to the people who trusted them to protect our unique system of government. They have literally sold us down the river of slavery!
As Americans, we have every right to be angry. We have every right to be disillusioned. We have every right to be distrustful! We have every right to be violent! We have every right to force those who have violated their oaths of office into compliance. These vermin who have violated their oaths of office should either repent or be replaced!
Start with your sheriff or your Mayor. Approach every one of your elected officials. If any official has violated his oath of office, throw him out! Do it either by recall or other means, but get rid of him! Get rid of them all, if that is what it takes!
Restore our country and the Constitution to their proper places and our expectations will again be met. We can then teach our children why this is a truly great country, and that they, too, can live sovereign and free.