Police State Chronicles: Thug cops assault and batter innocent children!
CLEVELAND, Ohio - June 23, 2010 - The Cleveland Branch of the NAACP is now investigating the Solon Police Department, after seeing a story that aired on Fox 8 Tuesday night.
DeAngelo Mattox, 16, and his 12-year-old sister Nechia were jogging down their street off Cannon Road in Solon Monday afternoon when Solon police stopped them.
A burglary had just occurred in the neighborhood, but instead of simply questioning the children, DeAngelo and Nechia say three officers handcuffed them, pushed them to the ground and pointed guns in their faces.
Nechia says she was terrified as she watched an officer slam her brother's head to the ground. "I just saw the officer put his foot on his back and bash his head into the ground and I was like, why are they doing that to him," said Nechia Mattox.
Turns out, the children had nothing to do with the burglary and a middle-aged man was arrested.
The children also say a group of Caucasian girls was across the street around the time they were stopped by police, but police didn't question them.
Now, the NAACP is investigating.
"At some point, someone's going to have to say enough is enough and this may be the case that breaks the camel's back," Stan Miller of the NAACP said.
The NAACP requested copies of the Solon Police Department's policies and procedures and have also requested a meeting with the city's mayor, Susan Drucker.
Solon Police Chief Wayne Godzich told Fox 8 at this point he believes the officers were following procedure.
Miller said, if that's the case, the procedures need to be evaluated. "This is the type of thing that could have been very, very dangerous. That gun or one of those guns could have gone off accidentally. When he slammed that kid's face into the concrete he could have broken something seriously."
The Solon Police Chief says a lieutenant with the police department is now investigating the incident. He has statements from both of the Mattox children and their mother.
He now plans on interviewing the three officers involved.
Police Chief Godzich says he hopes to have the finished report on his desk sometime next week.
Ed. Note: When is enough, enough? It is time to forcibly overthrow all governments that allow and support by inaction these thug cops who are murdering our brethren. Revolution Now! Independence Forever!