Premiere Privacy Consultants
Read this IMPORTANT article about how wired gadgets encroach on privacy!
We are pleased to announce a new program designed to further protect you from the all-seeing eye of Big Brother. Today’s surveillance mania, which is present not only in the United States but in all industrialized countries around the worlds, prevents most people from enjoying their freedom, because you cannot be free if you do not have privacy. You cannot be free if someone is always looking over your shoulder, watching everything that you do.
Premiere Privacy Consultants offers programs to business, individuals and families. Our programs are designed to provide you with absolute iron clad asset protection, custom designed encryption for your business and home, and jurisdictional repositioning in order to lawfully circumvent the endless stream of government-mandated controls and regulations that oppress people and businesses today.
Our staff of privacy experts will explain to you, in clear and easy to understand language, precisely how we can help you to reclaim your professional and personal privacy. We will design a custom program to suit your specific needs.
Governments around the world have stated that privacy is an outmoded concept and that in order to fight “terrorism”, people have to sacrifice their privacy. We strongly disagree. As a matter of fact, if the cost of fighting “terrorism” is to surrender our privacy and freedom, then it is too high a price to pay. I would rather look out for my own interests instead of asking any government to do it for me.
If you are interested in this privacy protection program, the first step is to schedule a two-hour privacy consultation with me, during which I will examine your specific situation, property holdings, liquid asset structure, business and/or family organization, and personal objectives. We will then design a custom program for your. The cost of the initial consultation is Five Hundred (500) dollars and is fully rebated into the price of the program you select. Note: We do not accept certified mail from anyone. If you want confirmation that your correspondence has been received, you must send it via express mail, UPS or FedEx. We do not accept checks of any kind, including cashier checks.
Please call 888-385-3733 if you would like more information about the Premiere Privacy Consultants program, or to discuss your unique needs. I acknowledge you for claiming your rights by exploring ways to protect your property from the government, and I look forward to the opportunity to serve your privacy protection and other sovereign needs.
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