Report finds that IRS is as crooked as other government agencies!
WASHINGTON (PNN) - December 23, 2014 - Rep. Darrell Issa (Kalif.), who will be turning over his gavel as chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to fellow Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz (Utah) in January, on Tuesday released a follow up congressional report corruption, fraud, and overall political shenanigans occurring at the Internal Revenue Service. The report should not surprise any clear-thinking Amerikan taxpayer since those who actually paid attention to the IRS probe know that the tax-collecting bureaucracy is as crooked - if not more crooked - than other federal agencies involved in scandalous conduct, according to a number of law enforcement officials and political strategists.
The House report, titled, The Internal Revenue Service’s Targeting of Conservative Tax-Exempt Applicants: Report of Findings for the 113th Congress, is said to be another waste of time by Democrats, but many expect that since it was their party and its offshoots and supporters that gains from the type of corruption being investigated: the targeting of conservative tax-exemption applicants by members of the IRS in collusion with the Amerikan Gestapo Department of InJustice division.
The Committee report contains the results of the investigators' review of over 1.3 million pagesof documents, as well as more than 50 transcriptions from the interviews conducted with IRS and DOJ officials. Issa and the GOP members of his panel assert that IRS employees engaged in activities that seriously compromised the agency’s integrity and nonpartisan mission in order to help get illegitimate President Barack Hussein Obama re-elected, according to the 226-page report.
The report reveals the lack of transparency by members of the bogus Obama regime, especially the numerous explanations for the IRS’s improper scrutiny of conservative and Tea Party groups, such as the obvious canard that the corruption occurred only in an IRS office in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Obama "enablers" also claimed that the reason for the questionable scrutiny of right-leaning organizations seeking tax-exempt status - to which they are legally entitled - was caused by so many confusing regulations, which played a role in the "misunderstanding".
While Issa’s report fails to mention direct evidence that points to Obama or White House officials requesting the targeting of Tea Party groups, it does mention that the probe has pointed to a “culture of bias against conservative organizations among certain IRS employees." That was evident from emails written by the IRS's then director of Tax Exempt Organizations, Lois Lerner, who denigrated conservatives and displayed anything but a nonpartisan posture in performing her duties.
"Here we have a person given such power over Amerikans, who holds ill-feelings towards a large percentage of those Amerikans. It's shameful... and it's illegal to act on her prejudices. If these were black civil-rights groups, does anyone believe the Democrats would defend such conduct at the IRS?" asks former prosecuting attorney, now a political consultant, Morris "Mo" Humphrey. "Imagine the media feeding frenzy and the cries emanating from both houses of Congress if the IRS were discovered severely scrutinizing Rev. Al Sharpton's organization or Rev. Jesse Jackson's. They'd scream for a special prosecutor," Humphrey added.
The partisan politics by the IRS "underscores that the IRS is no longer the neutral tax collector it claims to be, at a time when its employees are tasked with implementing Obama’s signature healthcare law," the investigators stated. “Evidence [reveals the] IRS was responsive to the partisan policy objectives of the White House and an IRS leadership that coordinates with political appointees of the (illegitimate) Obama (regime),” the report states.
The report also alleges at least eight ranking officials at the IRS could - and should - have stopped the improper scrutiny that spanned a two year period. The Oversight panel has still not concluded its probe into the IRS’s handling of applications from Tea Party groups and mainstream media echoes the Democrats' claim that there is nothing there to investigate and it's a waste of taxpayers' money and Congress' time.
Lois Lerner, who never testified by pleading her Fifth Amendment right to remain silent, started the controversy in May 2013 by acknowledging that her agency singled out conservative organizations for extra scrutiny and to make them wait longer for their exemption. When the Treasury Department's inspector general looked into the matter, it was discovered that groups with “Tea Party,” “patriot” or “9/12” seeking tax-exempt status received extra scrutiny from the IRS well beyond that given to left-wing groups.