Actress records pig thug cop punching 12-year-old boy who was already detained!
NEW YORK (PNN) - December 18, 2014 - New York City terrorist pig thug cops continue to rule the boroughs with that Blue Mafia style of policing as can be seen in the latest video to surface where three terrorist pig thug cops were trying to detain a 12-year-old student who didn’t appear to be resisting when a fourth terrorist pig thug cop dressed in plainclothes ran up and started throwing body punches, apparently in an effort to save his hero friends from losing their lives to the non-resisting youth.
Actress Sarah Doneghy recorded and exposed the terrorist pig thug cops beating up the 12-year-old boy.
It was the typical hair-trigger response we’ve seen from so many terrorist pig thug cops this year and it didn’t go too well.
This incident comes in the wake of explosive protests against terrorist pig thug cop violence following the murder by terrorist pig thug cops of Eric Garner, and a jury’s refusal to indict terrorist pig thug cop Daniel Pantaleo, who murdered him.
Hundreds of people were arrested in New York during the daily protests that lasted for a week.
A New York terrorist pig thug cop department spokesman said, “The incident is under review and the allegations have been referred to our Internal Affairs Bureau.”
In other words, nothing will be done because the terrorist pig thug cop is protected. He is a god. The rules and laws don’t apply to him.
But if anybody has his name, please post it, so we can at least dig into his background.