Chevy Chase talks about SNL liberal agenda!
Chevy Chase admits that Saturday Night Live is liberal propaganda disgused as comedy. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.
Chevy Chase admits that Saturday Night Live is liberal propaganda disgused as comedy. Media analyst Mark Dice has the story.
Former Rep. Patriot Dr. Ron Paul on Republicans’ push to repeal and replace ObamaCare.
Apparently, calling for President Donald Trump’s assassination in Hollywood is so last week - literally. After Johnny Depp’s “joke” last week at the Glastonbury Arts Festival that it may be time for an actor to go all John Wilkes Booth and kill the president, another actor and director has decided he’s done with just calling for the president to be killed.
What did the Founders see as the role of government in our lives? What should we do with legislators who break their oath of office? Have we made progress since 1776? Where are the areas we can be hopeful? Patriot Dr. Ron Paul's July 4th thoughts.
This is certainly something to celebrate on Independence day. Nothing like knowing your hard earned tax dollars are being put to good use, right? Well sadly that’s not the case for the one agency you’d think would value tax.
Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange reports on the latest breaking news between the failing relations between Russia and the United States. As Donald Trump faces off against Vladimir Putin the stakes couldn't be any higher.
John Coleman, co-founder of The Weather Channel, blows the lid off the false scientific claims that humans are responsible for global warming and climate change during an interview on CNN. Excellent video!