WASHINGTON (PNN) - June 13, 2017 - The Fascist Police States of Amerika House of Representatives has passed a bill to criminalize “sexting” among teenagers. This ominous bill also punishes their parents by making them face a 15-year mandatory, minimum sentence.
If your printer cuts off part of the form, select "Fit To Page" from the print requester.
Step 2
Fill out the order form
An instruction sheet is included with the form.
Please fill it out completely and legibly.
Step 3
Prepare your payment All prices listed are in American Dollars
We accept cash (FRNs), money orders, gold and silver for payment of products and services. If you are paying with gold or silver, be sure to contact us first to determine the going rate. Should you send precious metals without first determining our going rate, and should you then decide to have your precious metals returned to you, a fee will be withheld to pay for shipping the precious metals back to you.
We do not accept any checks for payment. We do not accept cashier's checks, bank-issued money orders, prison checks, personal checks, company checks, etc. Orders including unacceptable forms of payment will be returned.
PLEASE NOTE: We recommend you include an additional Ten (10) dollars with large orders for postal insurance. We are not responsible for any lost or stolen items once we have deposited them in the U.S. mail.
Step 4
Mail your order Mail orders to this address:
Freedom Bound International c/o 411 North 6th Street Emery, South Dakota uSA (57332)
Please address orders exactly as written (Spell out all words; do not use abbreviations).
BARUTA, Venezuela (PNN) - June 12, 2017 - As protests against Venezuela’s socialist government roll into their third month, Dr. Henrique Montbrun, who oversees the triage post in the municipality of Baruta, says the violence in the country has reached unprecedented levels. “It’s madness,” he says.
As more people take to the streets to demand their freedom back in a nation where tyranny took a firm hold shortly after the election of self-proclaimed socialist Nicolas Maduro, the country has descended into complete government control, and only people with money are now in the government. A pattern is now emerging in the battle for basic human rights and minimal freedoms.
You can create some beautiful content by using some simple HTML elements. The Warp theme framework offers some neat styles for all HTML elements and a great set of CSS classes to style your content. Basic HTML is very easy to learn and this small guide shows you how to use all styles provided by the Warp framework.
Basic HTML Elements
Here is a short demonstration of text-level semanticts. The <p> element creates a new paragraph. It will have some space before and after itself. To turn your text into hypertext just use the <a> element.
Text-Level Semantics
You can emphasize text using the <em> element or to imply any extra importance the <strong> element. Highlight text with no semantic meaning using the <mark> element. Markup document changes like inserted or deleted text with the <del> element or <ins> element. To define an abbreviation use the <abbr> element and to define a definition term use the <dfn> element.
Short List with Links
YOOtheme - Premium Joomla Templates and WordPress Themes
Inline quotations can be defined by using the <q> element.
The <blockquote> element defines a long quotation which also creates a new block by inserting white space before and after the blockquote element.
To define a short inline computer code use the <code> element. For a larger code snippet use the <pre> element which defines preformatted text. It creates a new text block which preserves both spaces and line breaks.
Use the <small> element for side comments and small print.
Useful CSS Classes
Here is a short demonstration of all style related CSS classes provided by the Warp framework.
Highlight Content
Drop caps are the first letter of a paragraph which are displayed bigger than the rest of the text. You can create a drop cap using the CSS class dropcap. To emphasize text with some small boxes use <em> element with the CSS class box.
This simple box is intended to group large parts of your content using the CSS class box-content.
This is a simple box to highlight some text using the CSS class box-note.
This is a simple box with useful information using the CSS class box-info.
This is a simple box with important notes and warnings using the CSS class box-warning.
This is a simple box with additional hints using the CSS class box-hint.
This is a simple box with download information using the CSS class box-download.
Use the CSS class dotted to create a dotted horizontal rule.
Create a zebra stripped table using using the CSS class zebra.
Table caption
Table Heading
Table Heading
Table Heading
Table Footer
Table Footer
Table Footer
Table Data
Table Data
Data Centered
Data Bold
Table Data
Data Centered
Table Data
Table Data
Data Centered
Definition Lists
Create a nice looking definition list separated with a line by using the CSS class separator.
Definition List
A definition list is a list of terms and corresponding definitions. To create a definition list use the <dl> element in conjunction with <dt> to define the definition term and <dd> to define the definition description.
Definition Term
This is a definition description.
Definition Term
This is a definition description.
This is another definition description.
Create a clearly arranged form layout with fieldset boxes using the CSS class box.
This theme utilizes the latest features of the fast and slick Warp theme framework. It comes with a broad range of layout and module variations as well as a neat typography to style your content. Read on to learn more about this theme and its features:
Available for Joomla and WordPress
8 style variations included
Choose from 22 backgrounds and 14 fonts
4 module styles combinable with 4 badges and 6 icons
3 different wrapper styles: White, Glass and None
Rounded corners option available
Flexible template and column widths
All Warp 6.1+ framework features are available
Including 4 custom Widgetkit styles
Easy Installation and Customization
Demo Packages
We provide demo packages with the theme sample data for Joomla and WordPress to get you started right.
Image Sources
Sliced and editable Adobe Fireworks image source files are available to customize the theme easily.
Theme Styles
We provide different style variations of the default theme. In addition to these styles we added several other style settings like colors and fonts. Combining the different style options allows you to create your own unique theme design.
Theme Profiles
We created some nice theme profiles using the different styles, colors and fonts, you can choose from in the theme administration. You can create your own profiles and even assign them to different menu items. Click on one of the profile images to load it.
Theme Layout
This theme comes with a slightly changed Warp6 module layout. We added a third bottom position called "bottom-c". The blue module positions allow to choose a module layout which defines the module alignment and proportions: equal, double or stack. You can easily add your own module layouts. The two available sidebars, highlighted in red, can be switched to the left or right side and their widths can easily be set in the theme administration. For modules in the blue and red positions you can choose different module styles. Take a look at the module variations page to get an overview.
Special Features
The Revista theme comes with some additional features.
Download and unzip the bonus styles package for Widgetkit available in the download area
Copy the folder slideshow/styles/revista_articles and slideshow/styles/revista_tabs
Joomla: Paste it to media/widgetkit/widgets/slideshow/styles WordPress: Paste it to wp-content/plugins/widgetkit/widgets/slideshow/styles
Now you can select the style "Revista Default" and "Revista Tabs" in the settings of your Widgetkit Slideshow
Download and unzip the bonus styles package for Widgetkit available in the download area
Copy the folder gallery/styles/revista_default
Joomla: Paste it to media/widgetkit/widgets/gallery/styles WordPress: Paste it to wp-content/plugins/widgetkit/widgets/gallery/styles
Now you can select the style "Revista" in the settings of your Widgetkit Gallery
Download and unzip the bonus styles package for Widgetkit available in the download area
Copy the folder slideset/styles/revista_default
Joomla: Paste it to media/widgetkit/widgets/slideset/styles WordPress: Paste it to wp-content/plugins/widgetkit/widgets/slideset/styles
Now you can select the style "Revista Default" in the settings of your Widgetkit Slideset
Social Icons
As a little extra, the Catalyst theme offers a set of social icons. They are easy to add to your content and are part of our editable Adobe Fireworks Image Source Files.
This is the Master theme of the our fast and slick Warp theme framework! It takes full advantage of all the latest Warp6 features like semantic HTML5 markup, a nice and clean administration UI and much more.
It is an optimized and streamlined framework theme and serves as blueprint to build your own custom themes.
June 30, 2018 - I just heard about Harlan Ellison’s death and wish to express my very sincerest condolences. The world has lost a truly great man and he will be sorely missed.
I met Harlan at a Star Trek convention back in 1974. We met at a blackjack game and we hit it off. I was so very impressed by the kind of person he was; his honesty, forthrightness, and genuineness touched me, and I determined to get to know him better, which I did over many years.
I was always amused by how brusque his public persona was, knowing as I did the magnificent and kind (yes, kind) being he really was. It was as if Harlan put on a mask of what many deemed mean in order to weed out those who only wanted to know him because of his celebrity. His attitude was, “If you really want to know the real me then show me by getting past my brusque exterior.”
I remember one science fiction convention in New York, at the old Commodore Hotel. It was around 10:00 pm and he went to the hotel coffee shop for a snack. The coffee shop was closed. He walked out, muttering, “This place would make a nice fire!” Many who heard him thought he meant it and that he was inappropriate, but I knew he would never actually do such a thing and it was a sophisticated attempt at humor.
Harlan had a heart of gold. I recall an incident where he had attended one of the science fiction conventions I organized as a personal favor to me. We were robbed at the convention and I was unable to pay him his full speaker fee as a result. He never said anything about it. I sent him money every month to pay off the debt. I was unable to send him a lot, but I sent him what I could send each month. He told me several years later that he was very appreciative of my integrity and he ultimately forgave the last of the debt.
There are very very few people I have known who I admire. My father was one of them (Harlan actually met my dad once). Patriot Dr. Ron Paul (the former congressman and presidential candidate) is another. Harlan is the only other person I admire. I respect and love many, but I do not admire (meaning look up to) people. I admired Harlan. He stood by his beliefs, and never compromised his values (though he was often asked to do so).
I remember reading Memos from Purgatory, his first published book. He went into one of the toughest areas of New York City and became a gang member in order to learn about that way of life. He had the courage of his convictions, and inspired me (and I am sure many others) by his presence.
The world has lost a truly great man. I will grieve his loss for some time. He will be missed.