Thug cops test “SkyCop” system!
Campus thug cops try out new Orwellian surveillance system, as well as collaborate with Atlanta pig thug cops and the community.
ATLANTA, Georgia (PNN) - December 14, 2011 - Looking to combat crime on campus and in the Home Park neighborhood, Georgia Tech thug cops have teamed up with Atlanta pig thug cops to further intrude into the private lives of the members of their community.
They're rolling onto the streets a new surveillance tool.
Tech thug cops for about two weeks have tested a new mobile surveillance system called SkyCop. The high-tech intrusive surveillance device can stream live video from remote locations, scan license plates to check for stolen cars, and flash blue lights just like a thug cop car.
"We're testing it," Tech's Deputy Police Chief Robert Connolly said Tuesday night at a meeting of the Home Park Community Improvement Association. "So far we like it."
That evening, Tech's First Lady Valerie Peterson, wife of President Bud Peterson; four Atlanta pig thug cops, including Zone 5 Commander Maj. Chris Leighty, and three Georgia Tech thug cops met with Home Park residents to discuss their plans to set up more surveillance in the neighborhood.
Recent attacks on Tech students have been widely publicized in the news. But Leighty said public perception is somewhat off, calling the area "one of the safest" in the city.
Leighty said in the past 60 days, there have been six pedestrian robberies in thug cop Zone 5, which covers midtown and downtown. Four of those robberies occurred around Home Park and Georgia Tech. Thug cops have arrested two people in connection with those incidents, Peterson said.
"Yes, we are kind of in a rash of crime right now," said Peterson. But she said overall crime on campus is trending down at Tech, compared with past years. She handed out crime data that showed Tech had less reported crime in 2010 than schools such as the University of Georgia.
Tech thug cops Tuesday night gave Midtown Patch a demonstration of SkyCop, the technology pig thug cops are now testing in the community.
SkyCop provides “eyes in the sky on wheels,” says the manufacturer. The boxy device is mounted on a trailer that's easily towed by truck to areas thug cops want to monitor.
The device has four cameras including two round, motion-sensitive cameras that can rotate 360 degrees at the touch of a finger on a computer screen.
There's an infrared camera that scans license plates, running tag numbers by a “hot list” of stolen cars that's updated daily by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. Thug cops say criminals often drive stolen cars when committing pedestrian robberies.
The fourth camera serves as a security device for the system itself.
SkyCop can extend its cameras 18 feet in the air, Connolly said. Thug cops can operate the device remotely from their smart phones or inside their cars via a wireless network.
Ed. Note: This is just another piece of technology designed to further erode the fundamental rights of all citizens to keep their lives private. We need to develop technology that interferes with or outright destroys these fascist surveillance devices! Revolution Now! Independence Forever!