What’s a Mother to Do?
By Lee Parker
What’s a mother to do? I ask you, what’s a mother to do?
As I look around at all the corruption and insanity, I find myself wondering, “What’s a mother to do”? Are we to take our children and place them under house arrest where they see nothing say nothing and do nothing? Are we to deny them the freedom to interact with society in an attempt to protect them from society’s misinformation and propaganda?
If we allow our children to become socialized by government, are we tacitly permitting their corruption through the latest trends foisted on an unsuspecting population through globalist-controlled TV, radio and print media? Will we allow them to be turned into little robots, performing evil deeds for an inherently evil government? Just what are we supposed to do?
I am very concerned at the responses of parents and young people regarding the current invasion of Iraq. I have watched enough C-Span and have heard numerous supporters of this imperialist action make fools of themselves, all the while thinking they are supporting freedom and the American way of life. So let me ask you, what IS the American way of life when it comes to the US military?
I hope that you realize how our military has been used, and many troops killed by international bankers for their own benefit and motives, for as long as there have been records kept. That is a fact. It is supported by history; the only people to benefit from war are a small group of moneylenders who finance both sides of wars and revolutions. These same moneylenders are “in bed” with those who supply armies, machinery and munitions.
We have seen this a lot in current times. We now know that President Franklin Delano Roosevelt knew about Pearl Harbor before the attack of December 7, 1941. Yet, he didn’t call the naval fleet out of Pearl Harbor. Rather, he put us firmly into WWII, a war we called “just”.
We know that General Douglas MacArthur could have won the Korean War, except that President Harry Truman prevented him from doing so. We know that George H. Bush could have gotten to Saddam Hussein during the first Gulf War but he refrained. We could have gotten to Osama bin Laden, if that’s what we really wanted. How many times do we have to go around this barn before we recognize what is going on? War brings big money for the international bankers, and is seen as justifying tight controls by government over the people. A constant state of war means a constant state of control.
There is no glory in killing others, no matter what the circumstances. If you watch any of the controlled media propaganda, you will see them trying to glorify the act of killing other human beings in order to “get to a mass murderer, baby killer and agent of mass destruction, Saddam Hussein.” You will see the United States and Britain portrayed as knights charging on white horses with their swords drawn. You will see young servicemen and women interviewed and glorified as saviors of the poor and downtrodden.
Except that none of it is true! After all, who is killing whom, and without justification? The U.S. military invading force is now murdering more women, children and elderly than Hussein ever did. King Littlebush has ordered our military to get Hussein at any cost, even if it means killing MORE women, MORE children and MORE old people! These humans have been reduced to “collateral damage”, which is described as a necessary result of an invasion. How would you like your child to be considered as collateral damage? How would you like the death of your mother, father or grandparent to be justified because we successfully bombed some allegedly key building and military equipment?
Observe the mob mentality of the masses and see the effect of propaganda. Look at these so-called Americans who are defending the killing of innocent people, supposedly in order to “free” those same people! Look at how our citizens are manipulated through mass media. They believe lies. Most have succumbed to media mind control. How unthinking and unfeeling they are! I am ashamed to call these my countrymen!
And all the while, Congress meets in session to decide how to fund this war. International bankers continue printing paper notes, which will send our country into a second bankruptcy and another round of economic enslavement. You support them by carrying their numbers, registering your children with them, and then sending your posterity out to kill other humans.
Mothers, here’s what you need to do. You must protect your family by not cooperating with public education any longer. Get your children out of public school now! You must revoke the social “slavery” number that has been attached to your child. You must un-register your children. You must do whatever it takes to support your husband to get out of the system and stop feeding a government that engages in such heinous activities.
Stop paying taxes that were never intended to apply to you, stop giving the government blood money to support corrupt and evil acts of aggression against other sovereign nations. Don’t let your children grow up to be slaves. Don’t sell their souls to the evildoers so you can get a “tax break” on money that already belongs to you. Don’t cooperate with or glorify the killing of innocents so that international bankers can manipulate and control the wealth and minds of your children and grandchildren.
That is what a mother is to do.