Google gives go-ahead to pro-God ad!
LONDON, England - September 18, 2008 - Internet giant Google
has bowed to litigation over an ad by a Christian pro-life group in England.
Spokesman Mike Judge of The Christian Institute in England says the problem developed when the Institute wanted to post an ad so that when people entered the word "abortion" in a search window, his organization's website would be displayed to provide a Christian perspective on life - as opposed to abortion.
"But Google said 'No, you can't do that because you're religious' - and we were astonished," shares Judge, "because there are plenty of non-religious sites that are allowed to advertise their views on the subject of abortion."
Judge says the policy not only did not make sense, it was illegal - so they filed suit. "The 2006 Equality Act says if you're providing services to people, you can't say...[you're] not going to provide that service...because [someone is] a Christian," he explains.
According to the British pro-life activist, the case likely has an international impact. "Google has settled the matter out of court and has decided to change its policy," he says, "not just so that the Christian Institute can advertise, but any religious organization anywhere in the world can now advertise their views on abortion [through Google]."