Josh Sigurdson talks with Kingsley Edwards, CEO of, the new social media site that is aiming to replace so many of the old guard systems like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, Twitch, Tumblr, and Patreon. Just launched and in beta phase, Flote is both simplistic and wildly complicated. For the user it's incredibly simple, but the work being put into Flote on the back end to ensure privacy and countless functional options is enormous. Kingsley talks about the reason behind censorship resistant platforms like Flote being necessary in the foreseeable future as so many creators, as well as everyday people who want to access the news or properly communicate with friends, are growing more and more frustrated with the older systems that have become so centralized they're now deciding collective psychology. For this reason, Flote is truly revolutionary, pulling the clock back just 5 years, giving back the ability to the user to properly communicate and decide what he/she does and does not want to see on a social media platform. With encrypted messaging and countless features soon to be released, this social media network and infrastructure will be crucial to the future of communication. This is why everyone needs to join and start moving friends from Facebook and other platforms to Flote.